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22. Prioritizing Work (and Play) that You Enjoy

Join the Early Morning Club:

So, I started watching the show called *Searching for Italy*. It's a food TV show exploring the culture and significance of food in different regions of Italy, hosted by Stanley Tucci. I love food TV; my husband and I bond over it. We both really enjoy it for several reasons. One of the biggest is that understanding the cultural significance of food is truly life-changing.

Food is the foundation on which a culture and a society live. It’s the basis through which communication happens, memories are made, and belief systems are formed - and at the very least it's the manifestation of those things. Food informs so much of who we are, and we see this truth reflected in a biblical sense as well. There’s a recognition of how food shapes us as individuals and affects our actions, as well as how we structure our days.

Watching *Searching for Italy* has been especially eye-opening for me for a couple of reasons, and I want to share why. The reason I want to do this is because whenever we lean into things we enjoy, we can deepen our understanding of their value. By the end of this podcast episode, I hope you too are inspired to appreciate the role food plays in our culture, in our day-to-day lives, and in the art form that it truly is.

More importantly, I hope you’re reminded of why the things you love and enjoy so much make you happy. Even if it seems insignificant—like a quality recipe, a well-made cookbook, art on a wall, gardening, or the beauty of a good conversation—whatever that fun thing is, I encourage you to press into it. Ask yourself why it brings you joy. What about it is fun for you? Why is this something God has placed on your heart as an interest?

When you ask these kinds of questions, you’ll reveal a lot about yourself and your Creator. So, do this with discernment, wisdom, and understanding to the best of your ability, given the season of your life. When you start to ask these questions, you'll gain a clearer understanding of the work, responsibilities, and roles God has lovingly blessed you with.

Understanding and embracing these blessings from a place of joy and gratitude can help you enjoy your work more. This is significant, as I believe we often overlook the meaning of this side of heaven. When we start to ask these questions, we can also enjoy God more. We can recognize that He enjoys us as well.

I’m sharing this not to spark a theological debate, though I could discuss it endlessly, but because building that foundational understanding of who you are—who God has created you to be—WILL greatly enrich your life. It can enhance your business, strengthen your marriage, deepen your ability to disciple your children, and help you create a life that serves you rather than works against you.

Right now, I’m hosting an early morning challenge. This is a free 30-day challenge, a club of sorts, designed to help you take ownership in your own life. It guides you in crafting a morning routine that benefits you, working towards those God-given goals heavy on your heart.

Join the Early Morning Club

Returning to the TV show, as I watched, I noticed many things unfolding at once. The first was Stanley Tucci’s undeniable love for his work. He approaches each moment fully present, excited to ask questions, ready to be wrong, and open to experiencing whatever comes his way. His curiosity is what stood out the most to me - it's inspiring.

The second and perhaps most important observation was how the restaurants and businesses featured benefited their communities significantly. High-quality food—whether it’s considered "peasant food" or a simple dish—shapes the culture of each individual region in Italy. It blesses people and deepens their love for each other, for their community, for art, for goodness, and for relationships. This immeasurable goodness, in my opinion, is one of the highest honors God has bestowed upon us: the opportunity to partner with Him in what is essentially Kingdom-building.

As you work on taking more accountability in your day-to-day life, moving beyond a victim mentality of feeling trapped, I encourage you to ask yourself what you can do in your current season of life, given your capacity. Take small but mighty steps towards the God-given goals that you can’t seem to shake. When someone brings up these passions, embrace them with excitement, just like Stanley Tucci does.

Honor the responsibilities and impact that your current season takes on you. Whether you have children, are dealing with chronic illness, or are navigating past trauma, understand the significance of each role God has given you. Approach it with joy, knowing you are not a victim of your circumstances; Christ has already died and risen again for your victory. The Holy Spirit is here to help you do the important Kingdom work of deepening your relationship with the Lord and making disciples through your work.

Your work doesn’t always have to mean earning money. In modern culture, especially with the rise of social media, there’s a prevailing mindset that if we aren’t paid for it, it’s not valuable. If this resonates with you, I want to give you permission to release that belief. Remind yourself that this notion is not true.

It will take emotional, spiritual, and physical effort to shift your mindset, but this challenge is part of that journey. This early morning club is not merely about waking up at a specific time; it’s about taking ownership and authority over your day. You can choose to build self-discipline and self-trust, to steward your time, resources, capacity, energy, joy, and enjoyment. This allows you to walk in the victory that Christ has freely and joyfully provided for you.

This is more than a simple gift; it’s an honor. When you choose to remain a victim to your circumstances, you miss the depth of honor God has bestowed upon you, despite your undeserving nature. I speak from experience; I have much to learn.

I have delayed sharing this message for several reasons, one being that I haven’t fully arrived at this understanding myself. However, I can feel myself fighting harder and understanding why I’m investing effort into this journey. It will be a fight, but you are equipped for it through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I invite you to join us in the early morning club, knowing that there is no one-size-fits-all daily routine. Instead, my goal is to offer flexible frameworks and a deeper understanding of how God designed our bodies, the importance of sleep, and its impact on our joy, productivity, and overall well-being—not just for ourselves but for everyone around us.

The early morning club starts on October 1st, just a few days away. When you join, you’ll receive regular emails over the next 30 days. Each week, we’ll dive into a new topic, helping you gain a better understanding of your unique capacity in this season of life. This will enable you to build a daily routine that blesses you now, independent of your income or circumstances.

If this sounds heavy, understand that it is a lot. When we wake up and claim our authority over our thoughts, emotions, and how our day unfolds, we are entering spiritual warfare. This challenge is a call to arms, inviting you to walk in authority and stewardship so you can build a life that is Kingdom-minded, glorifying God and bringing you deep joy.

Like the businesses featured in the show, your efforts can bring goodness to your community. God has given you the capability to create, whether that involves entrepreneurship or shepherding your family. Embrace the good work He invites you to engage in daily.

This challenge is for you. I hope to see you there! It’s about more than just waking up early; it’s about stepping into the goodness God has for you in whatever way that looks in your current season of life.

I'm so in - join the club!

I am so grateful you’re here. I truly want to see you succeed and thrive while having fun. I believe God created fun on purpose and desires for us to experience joy through our work—both paid and unpaid.

As you prepare for the early morning club to begin, I invite you to find ways to infuse more fun into your day today.

And let me know in the comments how you plan to implement something fun into your day-to-day routine. It could be a mindset shift, a new game with your kids, or a TV show you choose to watch. I highly recommend *Searching for Italy* by Stanley Tucci; it truly is enjoyable!

Delight in the good works God allows His people to create. Offer your fun as an act of worship to the Lord, because, in truth, that’s what it is.

Have a great day, and I’ll see you guys next week!

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